venerdì 11 luglio 2008


I recently read an interesting post by Wolfgang Engel here.

The idea is to calculate indirect lighting in screen space via a technique which resembles SSAO.

I've been playing with something similar a few months ago (january). At that time, the engine had a very simple rendering pipeline.

After playing with SSGI a couple of days, here's the result I got:

Now, a few months later, the engine has a complete "render system" but there's no support for SSGI.

The main problem with my implementation was its (lack of) tweakability. Furthermore, it's heavily scene dependent and I've been so busy on the engine that I never got the chance to fix some artifacts (partly derived from my old SSAO implementation).

I also took some comparison shots to show the effects of SSGI contribution.



I'd like to have some spare time to play with SSGI and see what it looks like after being fixed and applied to an image coming from a complete render system.

If I'll ever get a good SSGI, I'll definitely post something here.